Tips To Trim Your Dog’s Nails

Tips To Trim Your Dog’s Nails

Trimming your dog’s nails directly affects its health.  In the wild, dogs (and other animals such as cats, guinea pigs, and rabbits) file down their nails naturally by running several miles across rough terrain.  They also burrow (dig) and scratch hard surfaces which controls the length of their nails.  Domesticated dogs often do not share this same type of daily activity so it becomes necessary for owners to manage their nails.  Let’s brief cover how nail trimming is important as well as a few tips to make the experience easier.

Why Is Nail Trimming So Important?

There are several pet health problems that stem from long and overgrown nails.  One common issue is improper posture.  As your dog’s nails lengthen, they gradually begin to shift their weight towards their hind legs.  The pressure of their nails against the surface of the ground makes them uncomfortable (and in severe cases becomes painful), so they offset this they begin leaning back in their stance.  This results in extra strain on joints which will eventually hinder their mobility.

Concerning mobility, long nails will also interfere with your dog’s pads.  They use their pads to balance, feel, and grip surfaces as they walk.  We’ve even seen overgrown nails (especially dewclaws) curling back into pad causing nasty infections and injuries.

Trimming Tips

If your dog has an aversion to nail trimming or you do not have much experience in the process, here are a few ideas that may be helpful.

  • Prepare well. Have treats nearby.  It would be really good for these treats to be used only during nail trimming sessions.  Also, have the trimmer or dremel
  • Start slow and remain calm. Use gentle sensations as you handle their pads.
  • Introduce the trimmer gradually even allowing the dog to sniff it. Lightly touch the trimmer to their feet without using it so they will not associate it with pain.
  • Trim one nail at a time. You may want to treat them as you move along the nails to make the experience a pleasurable one.
  • After the trimming session is complete, spend some time to bond or go for a fun run.

If you are uncomfortable trimming your dog’s (or cat’s) nails, you can always rely on us.  It’s A Dog’s Life Spaw mobile grooming features manual nail trimming (and Dremel service) in all our spaw packages. Need an appointment?  Call us at (855) 774-7729.



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