Pet Grooming Tips

itsadogslifeDon’t Forget The Pads

Call us sticklers (we’d prefer to be revered for our attention to details), but we have a profound disdain for leaving pets with untidy feet after a mobile pet grooming. Why?

Three reasons:

Appearance, Cleanliness, and Health. Let’s take a brief look at each of these areas.


A well-groomed pet should have a clean and neat look from head to toe (with an emphasis on the “toe”). Every furry pet has a distinct foot type and a proper trim will accentuate the animal.


The more fur, the more dirt. This is particularly true when it involves pet feet. When our pets step in grassy or wet areas, the fur around their foot pads pick up dirt. When the fur is not managed properly, the more dirt we find that our pets track into other areas (like carpet and bedding). If you would like less dirt tracked into your home by your pets, pad grooming is essential.

Overall Health

Regular feet grooming protects our pets from a variety of health issues. In general, matted fur can cause significant discomfort for a pet. The rough ridges in mating could chafe sensitive spots on the toes and pads. Additionally, matting absorbs moisture, which leads to skin irritations. Finally, too much fur between pad and toes can mask a multitude of substances (like thorns, burrs, tar, gum, etc.) that can lead to soreness.

Grooming the Pads

Pad grooming is a relatively quick process that furnishes all of the aforementioned benefits. A sound clipping, depending on the temperament and size of the pet, should only require about 10 to 30 seconds for each foot. Usually the clipper blades will be between a 15 to 40. It is best to use a gentle touch, instead of pressing or digging deep into the pad.
So when you get your next dog grooming, cat grooming, or other pet grooming don’t forget to check the pads.

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