What The Nose Knows

What The Nose Knows

Temecula Dog GroomingConscientious dog owners in the Temecula area are known to take special care of their four-legged friends. Consequently, one prominent area that concerns owners is the nose. Most people will gladly tell you that a wet, cool nose is a good sign of health and happiness for a dog. So naturally, the question arises: If your dog’s nose is dry and warm, is that a sign of poor health? In the field of dog grooming, we often are asked this question. Although, we are not vets we have some connections so here is the inside scoop on Dog Noses 101!

Your Dog’s Nose and the Temecula Air

Most dogs love to lick their noses and do so whether they are excited, lounging, or engaged in an activity. Nevertheless, there are biological reasons why their tongue frequents their snout. Our dogs cool themselves off a bit differently from us. We sweat through our skin, but dogs are unable to. Instead, they pant and use their tongues to wet their noses. Obviously when they are hot the licking and panting increases, which gives some insight into dog behavior in and around Temecula. We often get dry spells with little humidity due to occasional desert breezes. Subsequently, our dogs may have drier noses than usual at some points in the year.

Why Some Dogs Breeds Have It Tough in Temecula

Some breeds naturally have a tougher time reaching their noses with their tongue. For instance, some pugs have a particular difficulty in reaching their entire nose with their tongue. In dry conditions, some dog breeds will have drier and warmer noses than usual. Therefore, there is no need to panic. Good indications of ill health are generally observable through your dog’s behavior. Yet, if you start to notice long bouts of dry nose or significant changes in the color of the nose, it would be a good idea to make a vet appointment.

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